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Hey Book'd Babe!


My name is Shannon Taylor, the creative maven and owner of I'm Book'd Box.

I am known as Mom to two handsome and scholarly sons. My friends and family know me as the energetic, DIY- loving, sale-obsessed, Momma-nista. 


Before the diapers, soccer games, bruises and bandages, I was a lover of books, Saturday morning trips to the mall/ thrift store and Happy Hours with my girls. I was able to  read a book from start to finish in a few days time, frequent all of the "To Do" events, and indulge in activities that made ME happy. And then...… Life Happened!


I suddenly, found myself a wife, mother of two, juggling a full-time career, family and friends. And just like that (insert finger snap) the idea of "I'm Book'd Box was created.


Everyone was benefiting from my time except ME. Speaking to other women, it was clear that this was happening to a lot of us. My passion behind I'm Book'd Box is to grant women the permission to take time for themselves to READ, DREAM, CREATE, and GROW. Most importantly access to a community of support you along the journey.


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